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Diagnostic Equipment:

Innovative and advanced medical devices find applications across various aspects of healthcare.

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Mri ct picture

X-ray machines:

  • Utilizes X-rays to create images of the internal structures of the body, commonly used for bone and chest imaging.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging):

  • Provides detailed images of soft tissues and organs using strong magnetic fields and radio waves.

CT Scan (Computed Tomography):

  • Combines X-rays from different angles to produce cross-sectional images, allowing detailed examination of internal structures.

Ultrasound Machines:

  • Uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of organs, tissues, and blood flow, often used in obstetrics and cardiology.

Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG):

  • Records the electrical activity of the heart, helping to diagnose heart conditions such as arrhythmias and ischemia.


  • Measures lung function by assessing the volume and flow of air during inhalation and exhalation, useful in diagnosing respiratory conditions.

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